Dawn of the Dead; or, How to revive dead leads

The fact that a client has once rejected you does not mean they never want anything to do with you ever again. If you once qualified a lead as an ideal candidate for your product but in the end the deal did not happen, the potential of such a prospect may still be higher than that of some random person. So especially if you have too few clients at any given moment, it is good occasionally to go through older, once dead leads and try to revive them.


The following tips were published on the blog of the HubSpot company.

Make a new offer

If you were to try to convince a prospect who has already rejected you once with the same offer you already gave them, it is likely that the result will be the same. Try a totally different approach and offer a completely different form of cooperation, a different product or a different solution.

Do not push the prospect

You must definitely not try to push the prospect to close the deal. Be casual and merely inform the customer about new possibilities. Do not try to convince them at all costs.

Do not resent the prospect

Even if the client has done something negative in the past (such as ignoring you, not doing something that was promised, etc.), never try to make them feel guilty or bad: that would certainly lead to failure.

Proceed gradually

Do not offer the client a major commitment and do not force them to make big, long-term decisions. Start with something smaller, something that is not too big a commitment for the client. And only then expand your cooperation.

Have a reason for getting back to the client

To prevent your renewed interest in the client seeming too contrived, you should have a reason for getting back to them. For instance, you have a new offer that would be ideal for the customer, or you have a temporary offer that the client would probably like to make use of.


Article source HubSpot Blog - marketing and sales blog of the HubSpot company
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