No matter what your selling style is, whether you are a jovial extrovert or, on the contrary, a strictly serious salesperson, you should always aim to be as…
In recent years, there have crystallised certain groups of clients whom,…
It is quite easy to rest on one's laurels, fall into a certain routine and…
Some people have a natural fear of change. Most of us are, to a certain…
Introducing a new product on the market is always tricky. It is necessary…
What do most salespeople do if the client asks a question? In the vast…
Many salespeople end their career even before achieving anything in the…
Unfortunately, many deals do not end well simply because the salesperson…
A downturn is a common occurrence in all sales professions and in all…
When you go to eat alone, it usually takes only a moment to decide where to…
We offer a preview of the main trends in sales for 2017. We recommend you…
It really is great: someone identified a business problem and found you on…
Let us assume you have an intelligent, innovative idea that, given a…