7 Tips to Get Feedback over the Internet

Feedback is important, but online surveys in a pop-up windows that sometimes pop up at us from the screen, rather discourage people. How else then to get true feedback from customers? Server Entrepreneur provides 7 tips on how to do it:

1. Online survey. Use e.g. Survey Money that provides this option for free. You can, for example, add a link to account for the product.

2. Poll. People like polls because they allow them to express their opinion. They are much more popular than ordinary questionnaires. Polls on blogs or on Facebook function well.

3. Ask what more you should do. You may get interesting ideas directly from your clients.

4. Offer a prize. The combination of surveys with competitions tends to be very successful. When choosing the prize, be as innovative as posssible.

5. Reward all participants. Offer a gift to all customers who provide feedback e.g. within 24 hours. It may of course be a great investment, but you will connect your clients this way and increase their loyalty.

6. Look for feedback on other platforms. Many sales portals offer the possibility of publishing references about products.

7. Create community. If you manage to develop a forum of discussing people on your site or on social networks, just read what people write. In addition, customers will be more open in communicating with each other than when speaking directly to you.


Article source Entrepreneur.com - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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