7 tips to create a viral post on Pinterest

Pinterest has a great ability to attract traffic. As in all social networks, you must be able to create a post that will be shared (pinned). You can try the following 7 tips from PR Daily that guarantee a viral success.

  1. Make a post in the form of a list. People love lists, individual points are easy to read and they are very popular on Pinterest.
  2. Add text to photos or create graphics. People scan posts on Pinterest by viewing thumbnail images so on a photo, they easily identify what your post is about.
  3. Remember to add the "Pin It" button and add a well searchable tag. Some people take it for granted that a post will be pined on Pinterest, but it certainly is not.
  4. Right post at the right time. 101 Easter tips will probably fail to go viral in January.
  5. Ask for help friends who are active on Pinterest. Make it the first day, when you publish the content. You can then reciprocate them in the same way, so, it is then useful for both sides. Your friends codecide the viral success of your post.
  6. Help yourself via other social networks. Facebook and Twitter can support the viral success on Pinterest.
  7. Remind people the post after the peak time passes. Majority of posts get the most attention 72 hours after publication at source (eg on a blog). When it comes to timeless content, you can share it periodically and every time someone, who has not noticed it before, can see it. Or add a link to it in another post.



Article source Ragan's PR Daily - news, advice, and opinions on the public relations, marketing, social media, and media worlds
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