Which social media tips should you rather not follow?


Internet is full of advice on how to publish content on social networks, what to do and what to avoid, how to get fans and how to engage them, and so on. But some of the tips are simply wrong. Portal Open Forum points on 5 of them.

  1. Focusing on comments. Have you ever read comments of a video on YouTube? A lot of them are completely absurd or meaningless, or they are spam in an attempt to sell something. The main problem is often caused by anonymous comments, which are nearly impossible to manage. The solution may be publication of videos on a website or a blog, where you can lead the discussion and gain better control of it.
  2. Customers want conversations. Would you want to have a conversation when you need to book a flight? Probably not. Conversations have their place and there needs to be suitable time for them. Be aware however that many customers actually don't care about talking to you.
  3. It's easy to create a community. On contrary, this is precisely one of the most difficult tasks. It means active participation of individuals in the group. Community is not created byy a brand, but by individual people. Brand  can support the group and strengthen it. From this point of view, it is much easier to use a community where  customers are already involved and actively participate in its life. If you were able to create your own community, do not underestimate the important role of community manager, who will moderate it and spend time with it. Without the manager, the community would soon disappeared.
  4. Content must be created. Production of content is a great idea, but it requires talent and resources, and many firms simply do not have enough of those. The solution is content curation.
  5. Dashboards will tell you if your social media plan works. Whilst it is nice to see everything beautifully simplified and displayed in one place, it does not mean that you will learn what is essential. Think about which goals are really important to you and what in your case really lies beneath the acronym ROI.

The next time you read advice on how to proceed on the internet, do not follow it blindly. Use your intuition. Keep in mind the strategic goals of the company.


Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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