Five misconceptions about content marketing


Are you thinking about involving content marketing into your strategy? There is a lot of misleading information about this type of marketing. Learn about the most important misconceptions which were published on

1) It is just a buzzword  

The popularity of content marketing has been growing in past few years, but it is not new. The start of content marketing is actually dated at the end of the 19th century. This is not a new fad. People will always be looking for entertainment and education. The company which is able to provide reliable information will be a winner. 

2) Content marketing is an easy way to generate leads

Thanks to content marketing, you will collect new leads. However, this is not a  quick and easy way to do it. You have to consistently produce quality content that your audience is looking for. It is not enough to publish one article on a specific topic. Readers want to learn more.

3) If you publicize something, customers will find you

You have to create content strategically, so people who want to learn more will come back to you. You can put links to your other articles so a customer can learn more. Also you can link to other sources. If you want to be a trustworthy source, you have to use only verified and quality information.

4) Everybody is doing it, so you have to

Content marketing is not right for every company and you need to consider if it is suitable for you. If it is not, try other ways of on-line marketing instead.

Content marketing is definitely right for you if you want to become a leader in your space or work toward long-term business growth. Be clear about what your goals are. Do not forget content marketing requires your full attention. If you finally decide to do content marketing, do not let let others make you doubt your judgement by saying that the Internet is already full of information.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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