8 surprising findings from the current content marketing practice

Content Marketing Institute in cooperation with the MarketingProfs published a new study that closely follows the current practice of content marketing in B2B. Upon reading it is clear that this area of marketing has still not been mastered by many companies. Here as in other areas, the absence of a strategy leads to a lack of effectiveness.

Let's look at eight surprising conclusions that this study brought, which confirm that many things in content marketing can still be improved.

  1. Content marketing only works for less than 10% of marketers in B2B. (The question is what these marketers mean by the word "works.")
  2. Only 44% of B2B marketers have a well-documented communication strategy. Others are apparently shooting at random.
  3. Those who have a content marketing strategy, have a 600% greater chance that they will be effective.
  4. A person responsible for content marketing is 40% more likely in a small company than in a large company. Needless to say, where there is no responsible person, there cannot be good results.
  5. Two-thirds of B2B marketers are creating more content now than last year. Given the above information, it means that this year marketers shoot at random more than last year.
  6. 7 out of 10 B2B marketers said that they do not use print. Yes, it is a trend, but if competition thinks the same, there may be an interesting opportunity in this channel.
  7. 62% of respondents agreed that LinkedIn is an effective medium. Other social networks were positively rated only by 30 percent or less. Nevertheless, the number of marketers using those other media has increased. Apparently, there is a lack of ability to determine which social media should be used for content marketing and why.
  8. The main criterion for evaluating the success of content marketing is web traffic. However, this information itself may not yet be positive, much more important is, for example, the number of new leads, etc..


Article source business2community.com - open community for business professionals
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