Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Five most common mistakes of recruiters during a job interview

The ability to conduct a good quality job interview is almost a kind of art. On a CV, anybody can…

Having sales problems at your company? You might be hiring the wrong sales reps

Good salespeople are often the best rewarded employees at a company. It is they who bring in money…

Five questions for a customer service job candidate

Customer service plays an important role in a company's image as a whole. It shows how much the…

How to get references from a candidate's former employers

Seeking references from former employers for a candidate now applying for a job at your company is…

Rules for recruiting foreigners: making their first steps easier

Due to the current situation on the job market, a shortage of experts, globalisation and favourable…

Why it is important to ask difficult questions at an interview

The essential aim of a job interview is to find out what kind of person a candidate is, what their…

Slovak companies have to announce job vacancies at the Labour Office, with some exceptions

Although Czechoslovakia has been divided for more than a quarter of a century, many Czech companies…

New recruitment trends for 2019

As the job market continues to develop, so too does the structure of the workforce and demands of…

What does an ideal team player look like?

“Team player”. A typical requirement in ads for any kind of job vacancy. Virtually everyone must be…

Listing 82 to 90 out of 586