Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

How to write e-mail job offers

Approaching people you want to gain as employees via e-mail is not so easy as it seems at first…

Employee Referral Program - why and how

Are you thinking about implementing a program for your current employees to recommend new employees…

LinkedIn introduces a new algorithm for recommending potential employees

Professional social network LinkedIn announced changes in its application for recruiters called…

Are you asking the right questions?

Do you have problems with hiring exceptional talents? The cause may be your traditional recruitment…

How to create a promotional video to attract talents?

Current websites of leading employers commonly contain videos via which these companies are trying…

How to prepare a strategy for recruiting employees who work remotely

Independence and conscientiousness, along with the ability to motivate oneself, handle social…

Stephen Covey's Seven Habits in the practice of recruiters

A good recruiter should try to find the best possible candidates for vacant positions, not only to…

How to identify job seekers who really want to work for you

Most HR departments use electronic systems for tracking candidates (ATS) to help them process CVs…

Specific features of recruiting former employees

The lack of qualified workers in some professions reinforces the interest of companies to re-employ…

Listing 460 to 468 out of 586