What is the ultimate goal of customer service? To create a corporate culture with the client at its very centre and where all components of the company work together…
There are multiple opinions as to whether the world's economy is going…
It's no surprise that the outcome of a sale and customer satisfaction…
What is the key to building a long-lasting, loyal, large client base? A…
"Thank you but I am not interested because I already have what you are…
Choosing to buy the right product takes place both on a conscious and a…
From time to time, every salesperson or customer service worker encounters…
It is not so hard to conduct a customer satisfaction survey among your…
Approach your relationship with your customers in such a way that will…
According to the SellingPower server, the fight for clients takes place…
Some professionals claim that cold calling, calling potential prospects who…
The product brand you offer and the way clients perceive it are closely…
Chat is not just another communication channel used when communicating…