Social network sites are an important part of marketing strategy. The server summed up the annual report of the Social Media Marketing Industry…
Social media work is rapidly becoming routine. However, in the growing…
There are constantly articles about how to get more followers. But what if…
A definite NO! Even if your product is a leader in its category, an open a…
Long hours, the need for continuous adaptation of scenarios, crisis…
Mothers represent considerable buying power amongst the population. We have…
If there was a clear answer, many marketers and PR staff would be paid in…
Everyone does it but few really understand it. This is exactly what can be…
Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Is this also applicable on…
Photos represent a medium with the greatest viral potential and Facebook is…
If you are unsure whether your website is optimised for immediate…
The goal of marketers is to advance communication so far that the audience…