What do the top businesspeople do differently? Besides a certain personal charm, intuition, hard work and experience, they are above all experts in using time…
Highly competitive markets, where a large number of both new and…
The term „insecure salesperson“ sounds almost like a joke. Without…
Every salesperson goes through a downturn in their sales results from time…
Are you in charge of sales for a new company, or have you established your…
Many salespeople are worried whether the prospects will be able to afford…
If you spend all your time seeking new clients but your current ones are…
The conclusion of the “wooing” part and switching to the offer is the…
Just because a client rejects you once doesn't mean that you can't try…
Do you mainly talk to clients who already have the service or product you…
Business-to-Business trading and Business-to-Customer trading are similar…
„Decision-maker" is a term that refers to a person who is capable of making…
Sales is not for everybody. At least not for all those people who haven't…