Sales people are most productive when they are happy and in a good mood. So if you want to support your team's efficiency and increase their morale, use the…
When a customer is not happy, they respond in one of three ways: They…
Sellers tend to be individualistic, free-thinking people. Therefore,…
Debbie Allen in Sky Rocketing explains that if you fail to close the sale,…
Jill Konrath is the author of bestselling books on selling. This time she…
Something does not go right on your client's side, and they accuse you…
Sales training is one of the most demanded by companies. It's a big…
Have you ever thought that dogs are much better equipped for a sales job…
Accept responsibility for your own actions. When something goes wrong,…
"I was surprised that you have not heard about the product." It's like…
Do you know why your sales people close less sales then you would expect…
Most business owners would agree that a strong customer focus helps to…
Once in a while there is a client with whom you have a lot more trouble…