Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

5 steps to better communication with passive candidates on social networks

Today's recruiters usually understand the potential of passive job seekers, but often do not know…

Do you lie to job applicants?

Job applicants are not the only participants in the recruitment process who tend to adjust reality…

Virtual recruiters are coming. Will they replace you?

A new online recruiting platform using virtual recruiters, called avatars, was launched in the UK.…

Improving the Hiring Process with Referrals and Social Media

Today companies rely heavily on the input of their employees in hiring new staff. A smart practice…

How to recognize a good recruitment agency?

Working with both employers and job candidates to set expectations, understand their needs and…

5 recruitment criteria at Google

Google's HR director Laszlo Bock does not hide the fact that job applicants' academic performance is…

How to prevent hiring bad employees

You have probably experienced this situation. You hired an employee who seemed to be perfect, but…

Ask "friends of the firm" to recommend top talent

Increasingly more companies are involving outsiders in their employee referral programmes, whereby…

6 steps to get rid of a negative employer brand

In a recent article on employer branding, we asked five basic questions which should be used to…

Listing 379 to 387 out of 586