Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

10 principles of talent management at Facebook

It usually takes several decades to build a company with unique talent management practices that can…

Train your hiring manager

Perhaps every recruiter has experienced the frustration of poor cooperation with a hiring manager.…

How to improve your employee refererral program

You have implemented a reward program for your employees for recommending candidates for the vacant…

LinkedIn for teenagers?

The professional social network LinkedIn announced a reduction in the age limit for its users. While…

How to choose a recruitment agency

There are several hundred recruitment agencies in the Czech Republic - from branches of large…

Are you too affected by your job?

All of us suffer from a professional affliction to a certain degree. However, the question is: When…

How to use viral marketing in recruitment

If a recruiter wants to fully exploit the opportunities of searching for employees on the Internet…

Do not reject introverted salespeople

The prevailing image of a successful businessman is an energetic, talkative extrovert. Because of…

Discussion groups focused on recruitment: Things to avoid

Recruiters or recruitment agencies looking for new employees for their companies have been …

Listing 424 to 432 out of 586