Marketing – HR news

How to prevent burnout in PR

Long hours, the need for continuous adaptation of scenarios, crisis management, deadlines - all this creates constant pressure in PR. Therefore, burnout or even…

6 Ways PR helps SEO

6 Ways PR helps SEO

A good PR strategy undoubtedly helps good SEO: not only it makes you…

What content most often becomes viral?

If there was a clear answer, many marketers and PR staff would be paid in…

5 most common myths about social media

Everyone does it but few really understand it. This is exactly what can be…

Do men and women behave differently on social media?

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Is this also applicable on…

Photo Contest on Facebook: How to maximize the effect

Photos represent a medium with the greatest viral potential and Facebook is…

How to increase conversion on your website immediately

If you are unsure whether your website is optimised for immediate…

If you want the journalist to answer your call ...

Every manual of a successful PR worker says you need to call reporters. But…

Instructions for successful infographics

Instructions for successful infographics

Much has been written about the importance of infographics. They enable…

5 reasons why content marketing is not just a modern fable

5 reasons why content marketing is not just a modern fable

Do you find that content marketing is just another trendy fad and therefore…

A successful press release in 2014? Create infographics

Getting attention with your press release is increasingly difficult. …

Traditional marketing lives on

Social media are a great marketing tool, but traditional communication …

Do you have a creative idea? Follow the tips to evaluate its success

Marketers, PR people and content creators have one thing in common: They…

Listing 79 to 91 out of 204