Marketing – HR news

Článek v rámci předplatného 8 elements of a winning sales pitch

Successful sale means that the seller makes a profit and the buyer is satisfied because he gains by purchasing. This alignment should be evident already during the…

Sales presentations to multiple decision makers

Sales presentations to multiple decision makers

Increasingly decisions are made by a commission or a team of people. Sales…

How to overcome sales objections

Článek v rámci předplatného How to overcome sales objections

Objections are an integral part of a sales process. If you think you're not…

Why customers do not trust you?

Článek v rámci předplatného Why customers do not trust you?

Customers buy products from someone they trust. Unfortunately, many…

How to get back a lost customer?

Even the most reliable companies loose some customers. The difference…

How to answer the most important question of customers

Článek v rámci předplatného How to answer the most important question of customers

Every customer wants to know one thing: Why should I buy from you? Selling…

The most important rules of selling

The most important rules of selling

The Forbes magazine had experts to provide selling advice, what a sales…

9 tips for sellers - introverts

Článek v rámci předplatného 9 tips for sellers - introverts

Being an introvert does not automatically mean that one will not succeed as…

Článek v rámci předplatného How to deal with unhappy customers?

When a customer is not happy, they respond in one of three ways: They…

Why do you fail to close?

Článek v rámci předplatného Why do you fail to close?

Debbie Allen in Sky Rocketing explains that if you fail to close the sale,…

Článek v rámci předplatného 6 lies which "the experts" tell

Sales training is one of the most demanded by companies. It's a big…

Sales people, get inspired by your dog

Have you ever thought that dogs are much better equipped for a sales job…

Článek v rámci předplatného How do you build your positive sales image

Accept responsibility for your own actions. When something goes wrong,…

Listing 118 to 130 out of 184