Friday afternoons become an unofficial “slacking-off” time in companies: it is generally known and tolerated that employees cease to concentrate on work…
Companies selling their goods or services to customers know very well that…
Business travel is an effective way of cooperating with new clients,…
Do you have problems successfully closing your sales? Salespeople often…
A good potential customer is one who will buy quickly and come back to you…
When you start negotiating with a customer who seems to be interested, do…
A useful sales training skill is how to close the deal fast. Customers want…
Do you have problems with getting referrals from your customers?…
Finding ideal customers is not easy. Many people who may be interested in…
Salespeople need to have good reputations. Lying to your customers will…
The way you sell is often more important than what you sell. The…
Video has a large influence on people. YouTube is one of the most visited…
It is a challenge for a salesperson to sell a niche product or service. You…