Before any offer is made by a salesperson, they have to do an analysis of the the prospect's needs. Needs analysis is learning about what the client needs and what…
Many business people know this situation. You found a match between the…
Asking the right questions is essential in order to interact efficiently…
A salesperson needs to pay close attention to every word they say when…
Making an impression on the client on an emotional level is a key task of a…
The status quo and routine are enemies of sales. Both on the part of…
Respecting a prospect should be automatic in every sale. This is why it's…
Building rapport is one of the crucial tasks of every salesperson. Whatever…
In many cases the result of a business meeting is decided in the very first…
This a frequent way the prospect rejects the offer of a salesperson without…
Suitable questions are important for the success of a business meeting, but…
As a famous study by Microsoft states, the average person has an attention…
The question of budget is crucial for everyone involved in a business…