No matter what business sector you are in, there will always be someone offering a solution seemingly similar to yours more cheaply. You should not be surprised that…
Sales presentations, like movies, lectures, short stories and speeches, are…
It is a scientifically proven fact that the majority of face-to-face…
The client decides whether to buy from you during the first meeting. Often,…
A large number of sales eventually end up with the salesperson sending a…
"Do not be too formal with a prospect - at the beginning of the meeting,…
Though there are many types and formats of computer presentations, from…
Signing a contract, sales, handing over the product, binding order –…
For both B2C and B2B salespeople, including an illustrative success story…
When deciding about a purchase, for virtually all clients the price plays a…
Objecting to price is as old as sales itself. But today we have several…
Salespeople often see the sales process as a journey from A to B, where A…
It does not matter, how good a salesperson you are, how innovative your…