Customer service is one of the main factors influencing the satisfaction of your clients. This is why you must pay sufficient attention to it and ideally use it to…
Customer service is a complex of multiple tasks and there is a lot of room…
Nowadays the oft-mentioned millennials form the most lucrative demographic…
Digital marketing will go through a revolution. Digital advertising…
A presence on social networks is a must these days, which is why your…
Nobody's perfect and even customer service agents can make a small mistake…
Customer care is one of the dominant factors in how clients evaluate…
Probably everyone knows the saying “the customer is always right”. In…
Regarding competition in all types of business, and the fact that finding a…
Sometimes the best way to push through some changes in your customer…
Burnout syndrome affects all professions, but mostly those with high levels…
Do you wish to improve the efficiency of your system of customer care…
There are many ways to look at customer service. No matter whether you…