Choosing to buy the right product takes place both on a conscious and a purely non-conscious level. If you asked a buyer why they chose a particular product, they…
Many a salesperson grapples on a daily basis with the fact that for many…
The near future, including the year 2016, will be defined as a period in…
From time to time, every salesperson or customer service worker encounters…
You have certainly noticed that while you immensely enjoy listening to some…
It is not so hard to conduct a customer satisfaction survey among your…
People are the alpha and omega of business. Career advancement in the sales…
Not everyone who works in sales is born with the characteristics they use…
Approach your relationship with your customers in such a way that will…
At the start of every new year, we always look back at the past 12 months…
When it comes to increasing the volume of sales, many companies to a large…
A job interview is not much different from a standard business meeting or…
Dont offer fixed awards to the winner, but split one big award into several…