Customer satisfaction is essential to the loyalty of your clientele. The CustomerThink server published a list of 9 aspects of customer service that play a key role…
In late January, Facebook announced that it will soon be possible to add a…
How should a salesperson ask the prospect whether he or she is interested…
Have you ever tried to read a novel while doing a crossword puzzle and…
Time and efficiency are key factors of customer service. If the client is…
Online selling is not easy, therefore, you probably welcome the findings of…
The CustomerThink server, which specializes in customer service, brought…
After the changes on Facebook at the end of last year, it goes without…
There is a saying in sales that goes: People love buying, but they hate…
Well-handled, efficient interaction with customers is essential in top-…
You already know that you should be on Google+. It is good for SEO, new…
The client not being interested is a problem that you have to be able to…
If you want to be successful in B2B, you need to aim high and talk to…