Marketing – HR news

Článek v rámci předplatného Innovative tips on how to engage your customers

Customer service is a long-term dedication. The customer needs to feel that you keep him or her on your mind at all times and that you do not simply wait for him or…

No theory. 5 real tips for creating good content

No theory. 5 real tips for creating good content

Content marketing, creation of quality content as the basis of a…

Článek v rámci předplatného How to realize a prospect will not buy anything?

To be successful, salespeople have to be patient and optimistic. Too much…

Článek v rámci předplatného What to do with the "Call me after the New Year" motto

From the beginning of December, salespeople often encounter people …

10 body language tricks for a better presentation

Whether you work in marketing, PR or sales, presentation skills are…

A call center agent's dictionary

There are always several ways to say the same thing. It is the task of the…

Is your website really working?

You have a beautiful website up and running, so why should it not be…

Do you know the rules of content marketing?

Do you know the rules of content marketing?

Content marketing should be a guaranteed way to succeed in today's world of…

Článek v rámci předplatného Why marketing and sales teams should co-operate

One of the major tasks of the marketing department is to provide sales…

What to do with the "No Money" excuse

In business-to-business selling, you often encounter prospects claiming…

What you should never say to journalists

What you should never say to journalists

Media coverage is usually quite positive - it is not too easy to get…

How to make sure that your message reaches their address

Článek v rámci předplatného How to make sure that your message reaches their address

Does it seem that many of the messages you send to prospects never reach…

Do you want your press release to succeed? Don't forget the basic submission rules!

Do you want your press release to succeed? Don't forget the basic submission rules!

There are clear rules for submitting a press release, but many people seem…

Listing 1912 to 1924 out of 2436