Marketing – HR news

Článek v rámci předplatného How to get more customer referrals

Direct referrals from your customers of people potentially interested in your product, and their contact information are the best  leads you can get. This type of …

Článek v rámci předplatného 6 neglected pieces of advice for sales

Many sales department employees have so much work that they do not have…

Apple overtook Coca Cola. It fell to bronze in the last Interbrand study

The queen of brands who wrote marketing  textbooks, was defeated. Currently…

How do you succeed at a sales job interview?

It is not necessarily easy, even for experienced and skilled individuals,…

Forbes: Major trends in online marketing for 2014

Forbes: Major trends in online marketing for 2014

Internet has changed the way information is shared and also had a great…

Článek v rámci předplatného How to motivate your sales team during the crisis

Sales performance, even more than other professions, is dependent on …

Článek v rámci předplatného Four fatal mistakes in a salesperson's attitude

The Salesopedia server described the four most fundamental mistakes in a…

How to get good influencers for your brand

What happens when Tori Spelling mentions car rental in her tweet? Despite…

Článek v rámci předplatného Rules of communication with clients through social networks

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn social websites that are no longer used only…

3 Reasons why your Facebook is not working

3 Reasons why your Facebook is not working

When evaluating social marketing, you need to look at all pieces together…

Článek v rámci předplatného 5 annoying things that make people leave websites

Engaging the reader, providing content which satisfies his or her demands…

Článek v rámci předplatného Use features of gaming in customer service

It is already well-know that there is no direct correlation between…

Which industries score high on Facebook?

From now on, the fashion industry will not only teach us how to dress…

Listing 1938 to 1950 out of 2424