Have you ever experienced the feeling that your customer is gradually losing interest during the course of a meeting? When you tried to get back on track, in the…
The necessity of Facebook as part of a marketing strategy can no longer be…
Salespeople often experience a loss of motivation. How to get it back? Do…
Did you expect that social media will harm TV advertising? Mistake! A new…
A string of calls or an occasional conversation with a very dissatisfied…
The CallCentreHelper server presented tips on how to significantly increase…
In every field we can learn something that fits well in our everyday life. …
According to a popular book by Dixon and Adamson The Challenger Sale,…
Google Alerts is a tool that will send you e-mails notifying you of topics…
Because of the rapid development of technology, companies, in their fight…
The Call Center Helper server contacted seven professionals in customer…
PPC campaigns and especially Google AdWords can be very effective sources…
LinkedIn is no longer used only for presentation of companies and for…