Marketing – HR news

5 tips for successful m-commerce

History is repeating itself and a comparison with the beginnings of e-commerce is right in place here. Therefore, it is not appropriate to consider M-commerce to be…

The most common mistakes of banner ads

Banner advertising is a great medium for targeting and retargeting on the…

Článek v rámci předplatného How to deal with a decline in sales

The best advice on how to face a downswing in sales stats is not to get…

How to create an effective sales webpage?

Every business need a quality website because nobody can be available 24…

Routine Habits for Excelling in Sales

Routine Habits for Excelling in Sales

The server of the British magazine Business Matters published a list of…

What causes the biggest damage to brands on social media? Poor grammar!

What causes the biggest damage to brands on social media? Poor grammar!

Social media are spontaneous environment, so this finding may seem…

How to reach new customers

For many companies, successful prospection of new clients is an existential…

The best advice is often wrong. And the same goes for social media advice

Článek v rámci předplatného The best advice is often wrong. And the same goes for social media advice

At the beginning of your career you get a lot of advice, read the…

Článek v rámci předplatného Emotional perception of customers

Certainly, every salesman acknowledges the fact that logical argumentation…

7 ways to encourage the success of your press releases

7 ways to encourage the success of your press releases

Certainly it is the best to address the media directly, but it is not…

Článek v rámci předplatného Tips for a chief customer officer

The chief customer officer, or CCO, is a person whose task is to ensure…

Basic metrics mistakes in marketing

Modern marketing is all about information, and there is too much…

Článek v rámci předplatného The best 20 tips for telemarketers

According to the Salesopedia server, the following twenty pieces of advice…

Listing 1964 to 1976 out of 2424