Marketing – HR news

Článek v rámci předplatného What makes a bad website

Some websites generate leads and customers, others don't. Look what the major differences are between them: Too much information. You overload people with…

10 ways to increase sales via the Internet

The first criterion for success of an online business is having an…

9 tips for sellers - introverts

Článek v rámci předplatného 9 tips for sellers - introverts

Being an introvert does not automatically mean that one will not succeed as…

Facebook by sector

Článek v rámci předplatného Facebook by sector

All marketers need to understand what days and times are the best for…

3 cheap ways to boost sales team morale

Sales people are most productive when they are happy and in a good mood. So…

9 steps to the perfect customer service

Customer service needs to be continously improved. Not only due to changing…

Facebook cheat sheets for brand presentation

Článek v rámci předplatného Facebook cheat sheets for brand presentation

On Management News we often write that there is no universal guide to…

Článek v rámci předplatného What should a CMO master in 2013?

Most customers today swap between mobile, internet and in-store offer while…

Článek v rámci předplatného 5 serious mistakes SEO

Internet marketing is tricky and there is no universal guide to it. The…

Top 10 articles for salespeople and marketers on Management News in 2012

What pitfalls can be hiden in a sales skills training? How to make money on…

Marketing predictions for 2013, which may surprise you

Článek v rámci předplatného Marketing predictions for 2013, which may surprise you

We live in a period full of changes. The company LoyaltyOne identified…

How to change a light bulb in the PR department?

If we are to empathize with the target group, we must first be able to look…

Článek v rámci předplatného How to deal with unhappy customers?

When a customer is not happy, they respond in one of three ways: They…

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