Psychological resilience, an ability not to succumb to stress, positive attitude and resistance to burnout syndrome. All these are must-have traits of any…
Many salespeople don't like their jobs. Many of them hate what they do, or…
To be a successful salesperson means working on yourself every day,…
„Cold calling“, calling uknown prospective lcustomers who have never…
Sometimes the best way to push through some changes in your customer…
The success rate of a call centre and its individual agents can be measured…
Women generally possess many traits that make them naturally superior to…
The work of a salesperson and its efficiency is to a large extent dependent…
Burnout syndrome affects all professions, but mostly those with high levels…
It's a well-known fact that the personality of the salesperson is much more…
Salespeople are often victims of „burnout“ syndrome. One of the reasons is…
The goal of many new or small companies is clear: To sell as many products…
To be a successful business person means being a consultant and a respected…