Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Study: No discrimination against women applying for a job in the Czech Republic

Are women who are expected to take maternity leave soon or are limited at work due to parenthood…

Study: Talents want to meet managers, not recruiters

The professional social network LinkedIn announced the results of the second year of its study…

Job hopping may not be a bad thing

Recruiters have always been suspicious of job seekers whose resumes include many short-term…

Why does your employee referral program not work?

Referrals from current employees are one of the most effective resources for hiring new employees.…

Six things to watch out for when choosing personality asssessment tools

Personality assessment tools have been used in recruitment and employee development for decades.…

How to be offered a better job

Responding to job advertisements is far from the only way to get a new or better job. American…

"Buddy system" in recruiting top talent

Do you have problems with motivating a great potential employee to work for you? There are many…

Download a new book by world-class HR thought leaders

The human resources function has gained the strongest position in its history. Top management can…

Recruiters' futures are in sales, the rest of their work will be done by machines

Recruiters' jobs will soon include only close cooperation with hiring managers and selling vacancies…

Listing 271 to 279 out of 586