Do you want to outperform the competition? Then provide sales and marketing tailor-made for your client. The server advises how to do it. 1)…
Some people don't like business calls. They are afraid of being rejected.…
Do you use cold calling to gain new clients? The server…
Referrals to potential clients from your existing clients can be very…
We use a variety of tricks during the sales pitch. But, have you ever…
Many salespeople and companies still use the same behaviour patterns as…
Investing money and time in technology isn't the best way. The most…
You need to solve a problem quickly, so you call or e-mail the responsible…
The basis for success is the ability to sell products. The server…
Gaining new clients usually requires investing more money. Building long-…
The preparations you make prior to a sales call are not the only thing that…
Phone contact with your clients is an important part of your career. Server…
When we are starting out, we usually accept any and all clients. But after…