Are your sales presentations unsuccessful? Try these tips which were published on 1) Catch attention The title should be about the most important…
Salespeople spend long hours carefully writing proposals to potential…
Customers like to work most of all with people who are similar to…
Success in sales requires discipline, a system and the ability to…
Were your sales successful in the past but not anymore? Techniques that…
Some salespeople use outdated selling techniques - and this can put clients…
Selling products has a lot in common with playing chess. Skilful players…
Do you want to keep your clients? published a few tips on…
Until recently, most sales were based on salespeople out of office selling…
Everybody will come across an unsatisfied customer someday. It doesn't…
You clients' trust is important. published three tips on…
Generally, getting a new client means that you need to spend on average…
For many people the word "negotiation" evokes stress and anxiety. Are you…