One of the biggest challenges that salespeople face almost daily is the unwillingness of clients to challenge the status quo, to leave their current system and to…
Presenting your product during a meeting with a client is one thing, but…
A high price or comparing the price with the competition's offer are two of…
It's not only facts and numbers that play an important role in a business…
Empathy, i.e. ability to relate to another person, is not only an efficient…
B2B selling has its own specifics that salespeople must know and utilize.…
An oft-mentioned expression in English professional literature regarding…
A sales meeting with a prospect is just one phase of the sales cycle, but…
When you are at a meeting with a client, it is usually your goal to close…
Failure has always been part of business and it always will be. Top…
Price is a crucial parameter in the decision-making process of clients who…
Do you know the five basic negotiation styles? If you learn to recognize…
Many salespeople only connect sales scripts with telephone sales. Moreover,…