A career as a professional salesperson requires hard work, dedication and perseverance. Though there is no shortage of salespeople and the competition is enormous,…
A blog is a unique and irreplaceable way to interact with both current and…
Thanks to current technology, in most cases, it is easier and faster to…
Every salesperson knows that no two clients are alike. Some customers are…
Friday afternoons become an unofficial “slacking-off” time in…
Signing a contract, sales, handing over the product, binding order –…
For both B2C and B2B salespeople, including an illustrative success story…
Changes in behavior and priorities of customers take place in B2B as well…
The time factor is crucial in sales: a successful businessperson needs to…
Virtually all salespeople, engaged in any type of business, encounter a…
Do you know the most common mistake salespeople make when negotiating…
To be a successful salesperson, you have to constantly audit your own…
What does being “professional” mean? The basic prerequisite is…