Every great salesperson knows that sales is not just about logic, numbers and arguments. The main part of a successful sale takes place on an emotional level and the…
The INC.com server has recently published an article dealing with the seven…
A recent article in Forbes tells how to increase the so-called conversion…
Gestures, movements, body postures or facial expressions: these indicators…
The first meeting with a client is by far the most important, but there is…
A needs analysis is the first and most important step towards a successful…
Tips to improve both marketing and sales mostly confine themselves to how…
Today´s average customer differs from customers of not long ago: the fast-…
Whether you are arranging the first meeting with a client where you plan to…
Too many salespeople assume that the more information they provide the…
A good salesperson must also be a good listener. The better you listen to…
The loss of an important client is always bad news and money is not the…
An objection to the price of the product is probably the most common…