Customer service requires people with a certain attitude. Though some people think a customer service job can be done by anybody, the truth is that not everyone has…
One thing can be said in many different ways. And, when interacting with…
An apology from a company to a client is often necessary. If you as a…
There are too many unnecessary misunderstandings and negative situations in…
Getting customers to see your solution as the best on the market is…
To gain the loyalty of customers today, you first need to develop a strong…
Service organizations are constantly proposing innovative ways to reduce…
According to the NICE inContact Customer Experience (CX) Transformation…
Sales professionals learn at the beginning of their careers that if they…
Your reputation is affected by many factors, including primary marketing…
New UK research suggests that the time has come to change our view of the…
Customers expect companies to continuously improve the level and…
Customers expect companies to continuously improve the level and…