Customers expect companies to continuously improve the level and availability of service. The pressure on customer centers and call centers is increasing, and…
Customers demand an ever-improving level and availability of service. With…
The ability of organizations to successfully exploit marketing channels…
Very often you don't hear from clients what you have done well, but you…
There is now a lot of discussion in the media about how COVID-19 will…
In recent months, the market has seen a huge increase in the use of digital…
"We live in unprecedented times." This is probably a sentence you have…
Companies are increasingly focusing their attention on a great customer…
Is your organization reducing investment in customer experience programs…
Statistics show that acquiring a new customer can be five to twenty-five…
The dawn of a new decade always gives us the opportunity to evaluate the…
More and more companies are using live chat to communicate regularly with…
You may be familiar with Google products. Its search engine processes over…