It sounds like a fairy tale: instead of you "wooing" prospects, the clients themselves contact you and ask for a meeting or consultation. And there really are…
Online sales of luxury goods could triple to 70 billion by 2025, according…
Human beings are, to a large extent, creatures of habit. In many cases,…
The differences between B2B and B2C selling are quite clear: B2B is more…
The English term cold calling refers to calling random prospects or…
You have finished your presentation, the arguments supporting the reasons…
As the end of the year is fast approaching, it is time to prepare business…
Steve Jobs said: Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what…
The typical image of a salesperson is a fast-speaking, active and …
Rejection from prospects is a daily occurrence for most salespeople but…
No matter what business sector you are in, there will always be someone…
Salespeople who have already attended numerous training sessions in their…
The sales profession places high demands on individual discipline. The…