Your offer must meet three conditions to make the customer feel he needs the product: 1) Fear of loss, 2) perception of risk in the deteriorating situation, 3) an…
Selling is like a game, and as such has its own rules. Grant Cardone, a…
Sales campaign is a part of a marketing strategy. Its task is to gain new…
Every year a lot of business rely too much on a single communication…
Do not target customers with a message they do not want to hear. Studies…
Websites focusing on e-commerce usually reach only 1-4% conversion rate.…
Companies like to offer work on a commission-only basis. Sales people only…
It takes years to build a good corporate reputation, but it is a matter…
Dutch beer manufacturer will use its Facebook page to select the creative…
Success with moms means successful sales: women make up 85% of…
2011 has been a breakthrough year in digital marketing. Marketers tested…
Good quality media lists create a generation of lazy people from PR. The…
Marketing Week selected predictions for 2012, which may significantly…