Sales and business skills are in fact a combination of various personal traits, theory, hard work and experience. Without the right mindset, you will not get very…
Customer care is crucial for client retention and building long-term…
These days, universal solutions are no longer popular. Thanks to…
Do you have the impression your offer is interesting and your product is…
Sales and success in business are all about mindset. This is why it is…
Your business reputation is crucial in acquiring new clients. An excellent…
A sales cycle is the whole path from point A to point Z, i.e. from the…
SnapChat is interesting for its users as a middle ground between a…
Customer stories, their experience and comments concerning the offered…
Continuous client satisfaction and experience research should be part of…
The modern age requires a modern attitude. This applies even more to sales.…
Whether you work in a small family business or a big corporation, the way…
The beginning of a meeting is often an indicator of how it's going to go,…