Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

How to look for "smart creatives" the Google way

How does Google manage talent? We can learn something really surprising about this topic which has…

What to do when you want to attract graduates

Consider how you phrase your ad. Wording matters sometimes you dont want to bore potential…

How to choose an employee who fits into your culture

Even if a lot of candidates who look great "on paper" apply for jobs at your company, you should…

Do not wait for C-level executives to ask these questions

Every senior HR professional should know the answers to the questions that are asked sooner or later…

Teach managers to cooperate better on recruitment

Why does recruiting take so long and why don't we hire the best people for the positions? If you ask…

7 tips for the second round of job interviews

You have completed the first round of a job interview and selected the best candidates. It is from…

Does work experience really matter?

I have been working with talented people for 40 years and that is why I do not understand why…

Do not refuse overqualified candidates

Refusing the so-called overqualified job applicant is a dangerous myth which can severely damage…

Is headhunting unethical?

Recruiters seeking the best talent for their employers usually find a number of suitable candidates…

Listing 325 to 333 out of 586