According to a popular book by Dixon and Adamson The Challenger Sale, published in 2011, there are several basic types of salespeople. However, all these types share…
Google Alerts is a tool that will send you e-mails notifying you of topics…
LinkedIn is no longer used only for presentation of companies and for…
Direct referrals from your customers of people potentially interested in…
Many sales department employees have so much work that they do not have…
It is not necessarily easy, even for experienced and skilled individuals,…
Sales performance, even more than other professions, is dependent on …
The Salesopedia server described the four most fundamental mistakes in a…
Do you wonder what you should offer your customers so that your company is…
Advice concerning sales, business, and customer service is often confined…
According to doctors in Ancient Greece, humankind can be divided into four…
Non-verbal communication, gestures, eye movement, face expression, posture,…
A handshake is something we very often do not even think about, even though…