Women generally possess many traits that make them naturally superior to men in certain areas. In business, a frequent problem women have is their own obstacles that…
The work of a salesperson and its efficiency is to a large extent dependent…
Burnout syndrome affects all professions, but mostly those with high levels…
It's a well-known fact that the personality of the salesperson is much more…
Salespeople are often victims of „burnout“ syndrome. One of the reasons is…
The goal of many new or small companies is clear: To sell as many products…
To be a successful business person means being a consultant and a respected…
Only rarely does a customer come to the first salesperson and just buy…
A personal brand. Every salesperson who wants to be successful should work…
Today, being trusted by your customers is essential in business. Many…
When it comes to job positions in business, the career advancement path is…
In many ways, B2C and B2B selling are similar but in many ways they also…
There is frequent discussion about the so-called millennials, i.e. people…