This is a frequent way a prospect rejects the salesperson's offer without saying it openly. Saying they need to think about the proposal is a sign to many business…
When it comes to a resume and its role in the selecting new employees, this…
Even in the current age of computers, new technologies and available data,…
Why do some products sell well while others don't? Often the business…
The art of negotiation is the cornerstone of business. If you talk to a…
There are many reasons why you, as the salesperson, should take control of…
Products develop, market situations keep changing and people change their…
There are salespeople who specialise in B2B and those who specialise in…
Many businesspeople focus on quantity rather than quality when it comes to…
In these times, clients have the support to be better informed than ever…
If you spend all your working time seeking new clients while at the same…
A sales presentation is like a story or a fairytale: it must have a…
Sales is a tricky business: sometimes numbers can drop without any obvious…