Professional appearance. This is a requirement often mentioned in job offers for someone who deals with people, such as a company representative, sales rep, customer…
Respecting a prospect should be automatic in every sale. This is why it's…
When people look at successful individuals around them, they see only a…
If you, as entrepreneurs or salespeople, are considering cutting costs or…
In the long run the biggest enemy of sales is customers' indecision and…
If a sales meeting is going as it should, you have made a sufficient needs…
We usually imagine the typical salesperson as a young man, ambitious and…
Every salesperson is to a greater or lesser extent worried before every…
We hear it everywhere: at all costs, keep your sales presentations short…
Success in sales is always conditioned by the salesperson's…
We see it all the time. Salespeople are smiling at a prospect from ear to…
There are only two possible outcomes of a business meeting where you…
Sales theories and tips (whether published on this web or anywhere else)…