An excellent way to reach new prospects is to have your current clients themselves refer you to new potential customers. Referrals are people from the same…
According to author and consultant Craig Elias, the author of Shift!:…
Pricing is a complicated procedure. Not only production and operating costs…
Every salesperson has experienced it: during the pitch, prospects have no…
Being a successful salesperson means, among other things, the ability to be…
It sounds like a fairy tale: instead of you "wooing" prospects, the clients…
Human beings are, to a large extent, creatures of habit. In many cases,…
The differences between B2B and B2C selling are quite clear: B2B is more…
You have finished your presentation, the arguments supporting the reasons…
As the end of the year is fast approaching, it is time to prepare business…
Steve Jobs said: Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what…
The typical image of a salesperson is a fast-speaking, active and …
Rejection from prospects is a daily occurrence for most salespeople but…