Sales is not about using arguments that appeal to logical thinking selling is, primarily, about emotions and how prospects feel about your product, according to an…
If there was a clear answer, many marketers and PR staff would be paid in…
Everyone does it but few really understand it. This is exactly what can be…
Understanding specific client needs is essential in any customer-company…
Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Is this also applicable on…
"I am not interested" is a frequent objection that many salespeople do not…
Photos represent a medium with the greatest viral potential and Facebook is…
Key accounts are not just ordinary customers. A truly professional B2B…
It may be surprising or not, but the performance of a salesperson is…
92 percent of salespeople could do better in building and maintaining…
Sales hiring is one of the most important tasks of a sales manager a new…
If you are unsure whether your website is optimised for immediate…
Recently, the blog-server of the SalesForce company published an article…